Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Anna Pquin Bikini Photo's And True Blood Quotes

"I'm about to start shooting a new series for HBO," Paquin said. "So that's really distracting me from feeling nervous about Sunday night."

"Obviously, there's an immediate fascination and attraction between Bill and Sookie if for no other reason than everyone else is terrified of him and she's just dying to go up and take his drink order," Paquin, 26, said. "We get to see the...

Brentwood-born Hollywood actor Stephen Moyer, who will be joined on the opening night by Oscar-winning star Anna Paquin, who played Rogue in X-Men, said: "It has been brilliant just to be able to see it change. It's when you go upstairs and you see...

"There's an immediate fascination and attraction between (Moyer's character) Bill and (her character) Sookie, if for no other reason than everyone else is terrified of him and she's just dying to go up and take his drink order," Paquin...

"It would be totally boring if I didn't mix it up as much as I do," Paquin said.

"It's amazing how much someone's voice is informed by the situation that they live in," says Paquin, who earned an Oscar for "The Piano."

As Paquin says, "you can get close, but you never really know if you're going to be dinner."

"I think it's pretty safe to say there's nothing terribly conventional about my career. I mean, generally the Oscar bit doesn't usually happen to small children or people who have never acted before," Paquin said. "So as far as people having...

"She's really tough and really honest and ballsy," Paquin said in an interview at the Tribeca Film Festival where the film, "Blue State," had its premiere.

"You feel completely ridiculous because it's four in the morning and you're sucking blood out of a prosthetic arm with these individually placed hairs on it, and some special effects guy is puppeting it from behind your co-star's back," Anna...

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