Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Anna Pquin Bikini Photo's And True Blood Quotes

"I'm about to start shooting a new series for HBO," Paquin said. "So that's really distracting me from feeling nervous about Sunday night."

"Obviously, there's an immediate fascination and attraction between Bill and Sookie if for no other reason than everyone else is terrified of him and she's just dying to go up and take his drink order," Paquin, 26, said. "We get to see the...

Brentwood-born Hollywood actor Stephen Moyer, who will be joined on the opening night by Oscar-winning star Anna Paquin, who played Rogue in X-Men, said: "It has been brilliant just to be able to see it change. It's when you go upstairs and you see...

"There's an immediate fascination and attraction between (Moyer's character) Bill and (her character) Sookie, if for no other reason than everyone else is terrified of him and she's just dying to go up and take his drink order," Paquin...

"It would be totally boring if I didn't mix it up as much as I do," Paquin said.

"It's amazing how much someone's voice is informed by the situation that they live in," says Paquin, who earned an Oscar for "The Piano."

As Paquin says, "you can get close, but you never really know if you're going to be dinner."

"I think it's pretty safe to say there's nothing terribly conventional about my career. I mean, generally the Oscar bit doesn't usually happen to small children or people who have never acted before," Paquin said. "So as far as people having...

"She's really tough and really honest and ballsy," Paquin said in an interview at the Tribeca Film Festival where the film, "Blue State," had its premiere.

"You feel completely ridiculous because it's four in the morning and you're sucking blood out of a prosthetic arm with these individually placed hairs on it, and some special effects guy is puppeting it from behind your co-star's back," Anna...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Anna Paquin Gives True Blood Life


"Come here and show its teeth," actress Anna Paquin screams in another room.

Actor Stephen Moyer on foot, some 'surprise, because it wants to open his mouth to a room of strangers. Risitas and then asks him again laid bare its teeth.

And it does so.

"Listen," he says smiling. "He informs.

As the star of the HBO drama Vampire "True Blood", will take place from 9 pm ET Sunday, Paquin think that his co-star in real life, pointed teeth of dogs are cool. They are long and sharp as the vampire to be. Strangers can find some 'surprising, especially because Moyer plays a vampire in "Blood".

This is part of the charm of this Paquin flirt. It may be fun and silly, but rarely or inappropriate shameless.

She still loves to talk to act in the same force with a young artist, even if you play the game in Hollywood for more than half of his life.

Despite his world travels, is somewhat 'as an innocent.

A 26, has not discovered the girl public in 1993, "The Piano", which won the Oscar for best actress in supporting role. After several high-profile period pieces (such as HBO "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee") and a great movie franchise (Rogue in "X-Men" movies), which grows. Unlike many actresses who pursue a career in dzieci, Paquin does not feel the need to declare to the world that for adults.

"I never movies children," she says. "I was a child in (the tomb), most of the films of my life. It is as if they do not have to do with this nice-with-Guy-celtic thing."

Paquin came of age in the work. Today, he was recruited by talk of their work. She is not part of Hollywood scene a lot. He lives in silence.

Paquin has little reservation actress with an Oscar for his mantle. She is not interested in a star. He wants to be a team.

Sooke in the south Stackhouse bartender in "True Blood," Paquin said the woman, who is not conventional.

Sooke is intrigued and attracted to the city, the first resident Vampire, a veteran of the civil war name Bill (played by Moyer).

She is not afraid of their sharp teeth. In fact, he loves watching them. His love affair with this mystery man because jaws drop its neighbors.

"I love the way they hope to be. I like how, despite the fact that whatever happens, who remains optimistic and romantic," he said. "She had no life easier, but it is still open to new things. She still sees a bright side."

Paquin uses those attributes to get a closer look at their work. She does not want to know what is in front of the Sooke, prefer to remain at this time.

"What can I as an actor is to explain why people are in a sense," he says. "You spend every waking hour trying to find out who is a natural person, or at least do this."

Paquin is a sook invasion of their lives in several different ways. She's dyed her hair blond and used to wear tight shirts and jeans. Sooke says that sexuality has never Hot Anna Paquin first on the screen.

In many ways, is Sooke kind of role that tries to Paquin.

"I would be shocked if people saw everything (" True Blood ") and the pilot was unable to discover who was," he says.

"My favorite actors are people who can not recognize when you're walking down the street. ... It 's a little different nature from what I'm used to playing.

"Very few (manufacturers) was placed in the dark for his role distinct from what you did before. If no hearing, as you know, you have the right to party?

"I do not know if I have the right to that part of me that someone issued on the basis of how they think they know me."

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Anna Paquin True Blood Video Trailer

Here is a trailer for the hot Anna Paquin's new HBO series, True Blood. Hot Anna Paquin is one of the most beutiful acctresses in the world. Enjoy the small vedio trailer for Anna Paquin.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Anna Paquins Blood Lust

HBO about the new vampire drama True Blood, Anna Paquin is the main character of Sookie Stackhouse. A young waitress with an interesting background. You can hear in people's minds and what they think and May or May not have some additional powers in their arsenal to do with something supernatural.

But the real blood is as much a story of the Vampires "from the coffin," and in the real world, since it is a love story between Sookie, and its strange power and a vampire named Bill, played by Stephen Moyer.

"There is an immediate fascination and attraction between Bill and Sookie, if for no other reason that nobody scared of him and just dying to go and take your drink order," says Paquin. "And we do get to see the roller coaster of this relationship, because, of course, how, I suppose, the book title says, with a vampire as a friend is not always the easiest things to choose from."
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How can you prepare for this role? Dating vampires? They do not teach that to 101, right? "I heard from vampires, when I 15 was. That's why he could not remember," admits Paquin.

There are a number of things in relation to the character of Sookie Stackhouse, the Paquin took some time to familiarize themselves with learning ... the focus to start. "That was a lot to hear recordings of people talking about those areas, watching movies with the appropriate - suitable voices and dialects," says Paquin. "And it is amazing the amount of the voice of someone who is the situation which we live, and there is a kind of music on the southern dialect that is widely - from my perspective from outside, obviously a product of this type of very hot, very, kind of trust, sometimes, because this kind of heat overwhelming nature of the environment. "

And there was much criticism of her and other actors' Accents in the first episodes of the opening of the exhibition. But that was a bit of luck to the crew to be expected given the rabid Fanbad of books available on the number of television. Paquin, but This is not a bad thing.

"How is it that people are really excited about his show is always something bad?" Paquin said. "I mean, come on. This is what we hope will be a show, and if already there, waiting to be really excited,

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Anna Paquin Nipple Photo

Here's a really nice photo of actress Anna Paquin in a see through top. Hot Anna Paquin's nipples can be seen.

Anna Paquin's new HBO series

Anna Paquin knows that some viewers won’t enjoy her new series “True Blood” (tonight at 9 on HBO). That’s OK.

“We definitely don’t pull any punches as far as what shows up onscreen. It’s pretty out there,” Paquin said.

“It’s my favorite kind of work to do, where either someone is going to love it or they’ll hate it. I don’t really mind which people go for. The worst thing is apathy. We all really believe in what we’re doing. It’s a very larger-than-life world. We are doing a pretty odd show and, to me, that’s really exciting. Because what’s the point of doing something unless its going to affect people strongly in some way?”

In the series based on the novels by Charlaine Harris, Paquin stars as Sookie Stackhouse, a Louisiana waitress who falls for 173-year-old vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer).

It’s a part the actress, best known for playing the mutant Rogue in the “X-Men” films, never thought she would get.

“I looked at the script and I was like, ‘Oh, it’s the perky blond waitress cheerleader type gal. They’re never going to cast me in a million years.’ For no other reason than there were like 15 blond girls and I was the only brunette at the audition. People often, in my experience, do not have the imagination and the trust that something like coloring won’t be a big deal.”

She credits executive producer Alan Ball (“Six Feet Under”) for the opportunity.

“He took a leap of faith, and I love and respect him for taking that chance. It’s been a really amazing thing for me. (Sookie is) so lovely to play because she is just so complex.”

To become Sookie, Paquin worked with a vocal coach to hone her accent and visits a hair colorist every 10 days.

“It’s really (just) add some hair dye, fake tan and some tiny outfits, and it kind of was done for me. I almost felt like it was too easy. Sookie couldn’t be more different than everything about me, but that’s kind of what you always hope for. The opportunity to really, really, really do something different.”

When she was only 11, Paquin won an Academy Award for her performance in the movie “The Piano” and continued acting through her adolescence. Then the daughter of two educators took a year off from the business to attend Columbia University.

“I was completely open to do something else with my life,” she said. “It was really refreshing to be completely out of the loop on the business front for a year and see if something else caught my interest - and nothing did particularly. But to not know whether there was something else out there, that’s not how I wanted to start my adult life. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t just because acting was all I knew.”

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hot Anna Paquin News October 2, 2008

Complexity, not sex and violence, draws Anna Paquin to HBO's 'True ...
Los Angeles Times, CA - Sep 5, 2008
Anna Paquin plays a mind-reading waitress who falls for a vampire on “True Blood,” which premieres Sunday on HBO. The actress plays a mind-reading waitress ...
Paquin gets taste for new role New Zealand Herald
Getting pummelled part of the fun for Anna Paquin in new series ... The Canadian Press
Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer Slate
National Post - Globe and Mail
all 278 news articles »

True Blood: Anna Paquin Talks About her Bloody Experience
BuddyTV, WA - Sep 25, 2008
On the new HBO vampire series True Blood, Anna Paquin plays Sookie Stackhouse, a bar waitress with the interesting ability to hear whatever it is that ...

Anna Paquin prays her new HBO supernatural series will be noticed
Boston Herald, United States - Sep 13, 2008
By Amy Amatangelo Anna Paquin knows that some viewers won’t enjoy her new series “True Blood” (tonight at 9 on HBO). That’s OK. “We definitely don’t pull ...
‘Blood’, Money and Death Newsweek
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BlackBook Magazine
Anna Paquin’s Blood Lust
BlackBook Magazine, NY - Sep 23, 2008
Anna Paquin drinks blood -- diet blood. Just one day after wrapping her new vampire romance, True Blood, Paquin has come back into the light after months in ...

VIP Breakdown
Celebrity Double-Take: Anna Paquin vs. The New Chick on Terminator
VIP Breakdown, WA - Sep 19, 2008
For today’s installment, we have a newly-blonde Anna Paquin (HBO’s True Blood) on the left and Leven Rambin (Riley, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) ...
Anna Paquin
Variety, CA - Sep 9, 2008
Amid that uncertainty, Anna Paquin takes center stage. Fourteen years removed from her supporting actress win as a preteen in "The Piano," Paquin heads the ...
Cable branches into fall debuts Variety
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Tonight's HD Hottie: Anna Paquin
TVPredictions.com (press release) - Sep 13, 2008
Today's 'HD Hottie' is Anna Paquin, who stars tonight in True Blood, which airs in high-def on HBO at 9 pm ET. The 26-year-old actress, who was born in ...

What the Kiwi gossip mags say
Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Sep 22, 2008
By CHRIS SCHULZ - Stuff.co.nz | Tuesday, 23 September 2008 BLOOD SUCKER: Kiwi actress Anna Paquin says there is never a dull day on the set of her new ...

Entertainment Weekly
'True Blood': Making sense of that goofy dog painting
Entertainment Weekly - Sep 15, 2008
The most indelible image from the second episode of HBO's True Blood last night -- even more so than the sight of Anna Paquin gulping blood from Stephen ...
TV Review: TRUE BLOOD - SEASON ONE - 'The First Taste' iFMagazine
Top 10: Sexy Vampires AskMen
"True Blood" recaplet (1.02): Bloodletting AfterElton.com
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Bloodsucking Fiends - A Love Story
Queens College The Knight News (subscription), NY - Sep 26, 2008
The show takes place in a small Louisiana town, centering on the dark love story of a local waitress, Sookie Stackhouse, played by Anna Paquin, ...